Stop overthinking & start living a fulfilling life — free from the fear of disappointing others.

People, please! is a quick online course designed to give you real tools to stop people-pleasing FAST. Ditch the anxiety and start leading from within with tools you can begin to apply today!

Now only $29!

Why not start today?

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Does this sound like you?

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  • Do you always seem to know what everyone else needs or feels, but have a hard time identifying what it is that YOU need or want?

  • Do you often worry about what others are thinking?

  • Do you struggle with saying “no”?

  • Do you tend to freeze up and have a hard time thinking about what YOU really want when someone asks you for something, because you’re so focused on how THEY are feeling?

  • Do you look outside of yourself for the answers?

  • Have a hard time trusting yourself to make big decisions?


What if there was a path to living the life YOU want, without all the guilt?

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That’s exactly why I created the People, Please! online course

That’s me, with some friends. But more about me later!

That’s me, with some friends. But more about me later.

As a recovering people-pleaser, I know how hard and frustrating it is to struggle with the resentment and self-doubt that clashes with your desire to be helpful to others. But it’s not helpful if it leaves YOU feeling completely drained unfulfilled.

After using the tools described in the course, it became more possible for me to take a step back and understand WHY I engaged in this behavior and started to see all the little ways it affected me negatively.

As a result, I’ve been able to increase my confidence, deepen my relationships, and say “no” in a healthy and loving way to the things that don’t work for me anymore. 


You deserve to know what it feels like to:

  • Say, “no” and have the other person celebrate when you vocalize your needs

  • Let other people help you without the guilt

  • Look inward and trust yourself when making big life decisions

  • Feel deeply happy, seen, and appreciated in your relationships

  • Feel confident in your decision-making ability

  • Spend your free time doing what YOU want to be doing

  • And so much more!

So if you want to learn the 7 tools to stop people-pleasing and start showing up more fully in your relationships TODAY, click the button below to sign up for just $29!

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What’s included?

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In this course bundle, for just $29 you will receive:

  • 4 training videos (90+ minutes of training)

  • The “People, please!” Workbook

  • 7 short-term tools you can start using TODAY

  • 4 long-term tools that are going to help you dig deeper over time

  • Overview of “The People Pleasing Trap”

  • “Ways to say NO” worksheet


Right now, you’re struggling with:

  • Identifying your own needs in the presence of others

  • Being DEEPLY bothered when someone doesn’t like you or approve of a decision you made

  • Speaking up when you don’t want to do something

  • Feeling like your time is not your own

  • Feeling resentful because your needs aren’t being met, but also

  • Feeling guilty for having needs!

  • Overcommitting and overextending yourself

  • Low self-esteem & second guessing your choices

  • Always looking outside of yourself for the answers

  • Feeling confused about how to separate your needs from other people’s

But just imagine if:

  • You could identify your own needs and ask for them

  • You could easily say “no” to what doesn’t work for you

  • You didn’t take other people’s decisions personally

  • You stopped overthinking and started listening to your gut

  • You had more space in your life to pursue your passions and goals

  • You felt confident, calm, free, and full

  • You felt deeply seen and appreciated in your relationships

  • You felt incredibly happy for others and trusted them to make their own choices

  • You trusted your intuition around big life choices and acted on it

  • You felt willing and excited to take bigger risks on the road to find bigger rewards

Let’s make this possibility a reality.

This can happen for you if you put these tools into practice
— and faster than you might think.

Get started TODAY by joining “People, please!” For just $29!

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Hi, I’m Genny Rumancik –

Recovering people-pleaser, ‘wounded healer,” empath, and creator of The EQ School.

My story begins as a little girl with a lot of big feelings who didn’t get the support or guidance she needed to embrace or manage her emotions, so I spent the better part of the last 20 years on a mission to “heal” what I thought was a broken part of me.

Spoiler alert, I was never broken (and neither are you).

And after years of therapy, higher education, personal development work, trainings, coaching, meditation, life overseas, workshops, and time spent finding myself, I’ve finally grown into a woman who truly loves who she has become.

As a former teacher, strategist, and nonprofit director, I have a lot of experience putting strategic tools together to facilitate growth and learning. I’ve used these skills and my personal development experiences to create the People, Please! mini-course to help you overcome your people-pleasing tendencies — much, much faster than I did.

I know how it feels to be pulled in so many directions and to just feel resentful, empty, and tired. But there is a better way, and with my support and the tools in this workshop, I’m confident that you WILL begin to make seemingly-small changes that will have life-altering effects.

In this course, I’ve included tools for both short and long term growth. Meaning, I know that people-pleasing is a deeply ingrained behavior, so it will take time to heal what’s at the root of it for each of you, BUT I’ve also included 7 tools that you can put to use TODAY that will help you stop the behavior, listen to your intuition, build confidence, and help you connect to the core of who you are.

My goal is help people like you experience the deep joy and satisfaction that comes from connecting to the unique, beautiful person that YOU are, so that you can allow yourself to be loved and seen for who you are — and not for the person you think you should be.

I’m so proud of you for showing up and taking the steps hold space for YOU in your life, because YOU are the main character!

Now go get ‘em!


Course Details

4 Training Videos

90+ minutes of training on:
- WHAT people pleasing is and what it looks like
- WHY we do it, WHY it hurts us, and
- HOW to stop doing it!
- I go over both the short term tools you can start using today, as well as tools for long-term growth.


People, Please! Workbook

An 18 page digital and printable workbook with prompts to help deepen your learning, and a recap of the most important information from the training videos.


7 Short Term Tools

7 tools you can start using TODAY to help you stop people-pleasing behavior NOW.

4 Long Term Tools

To help you dig deeper and make this into a change that will last.

Overview of the People Pleasing Trap

With guidelines to help you never fall into it again because it’s what pushes people away and keeps you feeling small,

“Ways to say NO” Worksheet

…which you can print off and refer to for different ways to say “no” when you aren’t sure how to set the boundary OR just use it to practice saying no out loud :)

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I’ve been a people-pleaser for as long as I can remember, is it really possible to change?

A: If you want to change and are ready to look at how your behavior impacts your relationships, absolutely! In the course I explain the origins of people-pleasing and for most people, it’s been a lifelong behavior. And behaviors are totally changeable!

Q: If it’s so life-changing, why isn’t it more expensive?

A: Because I want to help as many people as possible. Some of my courses are more expensive (a girl’s gotta eat!), but it’s also important to me to provide access to people of all income levels so I made a smaller course that still covered a very important topic.

Q: How long will take me to change?

A: That fully depends on you! How quickly you take the course, how committed you are to trying something new, and whether or not you actually implement the tools. You can implement all 7 of them in a few days and will see and feel ENORMOUS results, and the sooner you start using the 4 long term tools, the deeper the transformation will be.

Q: Will there be other courses after this one to continue to build my skillset?

A: Of course! I have a Developing Self Awareness online course, and a Let It Go (emotional self management course which go much more deeply into the topics taught in “People, please!” I also teach live workshops on Self Awareness, Emotional Self Management, and Relationship Management, which are best for asking questions and getting specific insight into your unique situation in a supportive, small-group setting.

Q: I’ve never done an online course before, do I need to be “techy?”

A: Nope! It’s super easy; just click on any of the purchase buttons and you’ll be directed to the checkout page, and after that’s completed, you’ll be directed to the one with the workshop! :) To return to the landing page for the course, you can always just go here.

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Who should take this course?


People ready to shed their anxiety and self-doubt

This course will give you tools to begin building self-trust by beginning to understand who you are and what you need, and instructs you on how to create more space to connect with your intuition. 


Parents ready to model healthy self-esteem

— and start meeting their own needs!
If you want your kids to be healthy, differentiated individuals, it’s important that they see you do it first.
Holding space for your needs is modeling healthy behavior, and this course offers tools to help you identify your needs & start saying “no” to what isn’t working so you can better meet them.


People SO READY to take the next step to be their best self

This course is made for people like you because it provides specific tools and an entire workbook to help you start reflecting on where you currently are and where you’d like to be.
You get to finally feel like you’re in charge of your energy.

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How does this work?


What happens when you purchase this product?

  1. Click the button below to purchase.

2. On the checkout page, you will be asked to enter your payment information AND to include the email and password you’d like to use for your account.

3. Voila! You have access to the course.

4. When you come back from a break, go to at any time to login and return to the course.

5. In section 1, the link for the People, Please! Workbook with all extra materials will be underneath the video (scroll to the bottom of the workbook to find the link to download the workbook).

Due to the digital nature of this product, there will be no refunds after purchase.

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Just imagine…

Being able to tune in to YOUR wants, desires, and needs, and feeling empowered to ACT on them

Feeling okay when someone doesn’t like a decision you’ve made

Being able to say “no,” and then just…moving on!

Feeling closer to the people you love, because they know how you REALLY feel and SEE you

Cultivating a community of people who value the same things that you do

Being able to notice the urge to people-please, and NOT give in to it!

Feeling the freedom to live life as you’d like without the constant overthink about what your friends and family are going to say

It IS possible. And NOW is the time to take action.
Get started for $29

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Praise for The EQ School

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